The World through the Eyes of Others

The world through the eyes of others
We see the world through our eyes as we view what is done to use through our perspectives. When we see something the majority of the time we only see how it impacts on us. We can even go as far to look at a war as view how it impacts on us and it is this single mindedness that impact on others by making it easier for the state to justify its actions.

The state unfortunately has the ability to justify providing arms to countries and watching it disintegrate itself until it has nothing left. We watch the world crumble everyday, and the majority of us do nothing. We watch homes fall to the ground as bystanders. 
How long will this continue? 
You must wonder if you were born in different position and you were the bystander would you want someone to speak out on your behalf?
There was a lot of knowledge the Greek empire once held, a place blossoming and flourished with knowledge from all over the world. 

“egum servi sumus ut liberi esse possimus”

We are slaves of the law in order that we may be able to be free. 

We all fight of freedom, injustice and against war however how hard to we attempt to fight for what is moral right in comparison to other aspects in our life. Do we even see these as a priority? 
How many completely selfless acts can we say that we commit?
We things change and we change with them, “Mutantur omnia nos et mutamurin illis”

There is something you must ask yourself when the law changes, do your perspectives change with them or do they stay the same. I personally can say that my perspectives does not change because if the law itself had to change to adapt to my mind set there is something wrong with the law itself. The law is always changing being amended in order for it to be applicable to its time. There is an old Latin saying, “Lex non distinguiur nor non distinguere debemus”, meaning the law does not distinguish and so we ought no distinguish. This term may have many applications, however they were usually amended and written with application to certain groups in mind. This makes the privileged more powerful and even feel that they are above the law. The only creates ghetto’s and isolated innocent people within the community. 

The law was not made to apply to the middle class white man yesterday and it will not be amended to apply to him tomorrow. This isolates the many groups that create the majority as women are also mistreated when thinking about crime. When go to the police station and claimed that they have been harassed, they are made to feel responsible to the acts committed against them. I firmly believe many researchers conducting research on topics such as this to require a completely different methodology for conducting there studies and make the mistake of using methodological and research methods that would apply to men. When conducting research so sensitive it does not require the typical methods used to gather information about class for example because many people are comfortable to speak out against class division however a women is less inclined or comfortable to speak out against crimes committed against them because she is more likely to have harm come to her for simply speaking to individuals about it. 
It is difficult to see the world through the eyes of another because we are so caught up in our lives that tonight we will go to sleep and neglect many people are have no place to rest their heads. I think we will go to the store and buy many things that others cannot afford and not think to have gratitude for having them and I think that many people will go to school, college, university or even work and not feel blessed for having so much prospect and purpose as well as a better standard of living than many others. 

“When you practice gratefulness, there is a sense of respect toward others”

Dalai Lama 

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